Climate Crisis: How to Create Change


Climate Crisis: How to Create Change

As the Australian bush fires create devastation across the country many of us are watching, feeling hopeless and unsure of how to take action, how to help. We as a community have felt very overwhelmed and experienced deep grief as the bushfires blaze untamed through our country. Lives have been lost, thousands of homes destroyed, 1 billion wildlife have been killed and millions of hectares of land burned. Our planet is in a state of crisis, with global heating and destruction of the natural world. This poses threat to not only the health of the planet but to all beings.

On Sunday 12th January we came together to send love and healing out to our planet through yogic ritual, reflection and prayer. 230 beautiful humans gathered on the Earth at Ripon Lea Estate which was so kindly lent to us for the evening free of charge. Through earth ritual we connected to Mother Earth, as cultures have done for thousands of years, honouring the fertility of Gaia.

The power of the community can not be underestimated and the love and support which was felt between all those in attendance was incredible. By raising our individual vibration we allow for this energy to flow through us and radiate out in to the world and create real change.

Together we were able to raise $6,524 for the Bushfire Relief and Australian Red Cross. This is just one way in which we can take action. Making small changes to our daily lifestyles and finding ways to live more gently and more consciously can create great change as a collective.

Yogi Activism

Australia’s climate change policy has been ranked as one of the worst in the world with our government also failing to attend the UN Climate Action Summit in September. The health of our environment is clearly not a priority to our government and we need urgent action and change in parliament to save our planet. As yogis we need to stand up and take action. The first two Yamas, Ahimsa and Satya urge us as yogis to be activists in the community and show love and kindness to all those around us, including our environment. We need to speak our truth from the heart.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” ― Barack Obama

Take Action: Write to your local MP

One of the most powerful ways to be heard is to write to your Federal MP demanding action.

Find out who your MP is here

You can also write to the Premier of Victoria asking for Victoria to table climate change at the next meeting of the Council Of Australian Governments.  The next meeting is scheduled for March 13 2020. 

To make the changes we need to a sustainable world, one where we put our climate and our responsibility for a changing climate front and centre requires the Australian Government to make changes.  We need action not words from our politicians.

To make it easier below is a template for you to use to write to your MP.  This has been adapted from 

Letter Template

Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr First Name Last Name MP

Introduce yourself, make it personal, you can tell your MP how long you have lived in the electorate and why you are so concerned about the climate crisis.

You may wish to add how the fires are impacting on you, your family and friends and what you are concerned about.

Tell your federal MP what you would like to see them do about it.

Three suggested actions are below but you can add anything important to you. 

  • Demand that no new coal mines be built in Australia, including the Adani mine. Australia has one of the biggest footprints per capita compared to any other country and on top of that we export 80% of our coal, making us the world's largest coal exporter. Climate change is a global issue, what we export is our responsibility too. This is one of the biggest ways that Australia can make a difference! Ask your MP to commit to putting this forward in Parliament, or discussing it in the party room.

  • Demand that Australia transitions to 100% renewable energy generation and exports by 2030, supporting fossil fuel workers and communities through the transition.

  • Demand that the Australian Government appoints a Minister for Climate Change to oversee the policy changes and initiatives required to make Australia sustainable for generations to come.

You may also wish to request a meeting so that you can talk directly with your MP on how you are feeling and you can hear exactly what their plans are, both within their party, and individually.

Sign off by letting them know you are looking forward to receiving their reply.

I look forward to receiving your reply on what you are proposing to do to ensure the future of our country.

Sincerely (your name printed) and your signature

If you do not receive a reply within three weeks, follow up with an email and/or phone call.

It is time to take action and create the change our planet so desperately needs, urge the government to make change to our emissions, renewable energy, energy use and policies. The seed of all great change comes from within, the time to act is now.
